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We are #communitybuilders

The KCS Applied Design Skills and Technology (ADST) Missions students are striving to be community builders by creating quality commissioned woodworking and metalwork projects
for sale and donating the proceeds to an annually chosen cause.


Lake of the Trees—Paintball "Safety-Zone" Structure 


The ADST Mission Grade 11/12 students spent 3 days at the beautiful Lake of the Trees Bible Camp with Instructor Trevor Brown. They built a "Safety Zone" structure for the paintball game field, using reclaimed wood and windows. It was an amazing opportunity to learn construction skills, bond with each other, and enjoy the feeling of donating their time to a God cause. Special thanks to Mr. Brown for all the awesome cooking! 


A partnership project with the Kamloops Alliance Church


Our students created quality commissioned projects in our new Carpentry and Metal Works shops. These commissioned items were sold to people in the Kamloops community and the profits were donated to the Kamloops Alliance Church “More than Me” project. On Friday, March 5 a cheque for $3760.00 was presented to Pastor Chris Throness. The funds will be used to buy land where a House of Refuge can be built for persecuted Christians in the Huichol Tribe in Zacatecas state in Central Mexico. Watch the video provided by the KAC to see how KCS is becoming a community builder!

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Cheque presentation to Pastor Chris Throness from KCS ADST students Nolan Dangerfield, Levi scott, Jackson Gilroy, Solomon Ulmer, Skye Knaak and Industrial Education instructor, Trevor Brown.

A few of 2020–2021 finished projects

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