KCS Elementary enrolls students from Kindergarten to Grade 5.
Our kindergarten has both full-time and half-time program options.
At KCS, we want students to be transformed as they serve God and serve their community. “Teaching for Transformation” includes:
An invitation for students to understand their role in their community as an artist, storyteller, justice seeker, community builder, servant leader, creation caretaker, and discoverer
Building on “big ideas” throughout curriculum that connect to God’s Story
Authentic, relevant practice in serving others within their role
Examples of transformational learning in the Elementary program:
Students in kindergarten practice being justice seekers and caretakers by visiting City Hall to tell officials about garbage that is impacting the turtles’ habitat in McArthur Island
Students in primary grades practice being community builders by planning a “soup day” and donating the profits to the Pregnancy Care Centre
Students in Grade 4 practice being justice seekers by leading chapels about “Orange Shirt Day”, teaching other students about reconciliation
Students in Grade 3 practice being caretakers by caring for salmon eggs all year long, monitoring their growth, and then releasing them back to a local stream in the spring.
We Learn through Curiosity
At KCS, we believe that children have a natural curiosity to explore and learn about God’s world. We nurture that curiosity by giving our primary students lots of time outside to discover their community. Our kindergarten students spend every other day on outdoor education Wonder Walks in locations such as the beautiful MacArthur Island Park (just across from our school) as well as other community locations.
KCS is a WILD School! Elementary students develop curiosity by Wondering, Inquiring, Learning, and Doing through outdoor and community based activities. We know that students learn best through play-based activities so we provide opportunities for students to explore through hands-on activities and real life problems.
Skills in numeracy and literacy are emphasized throughout the Elementary years to ensure that students build a foundation for academic success. Authentic assessment, learning assistance programs, and individual support for students allow each child to learn to the best of his/her ability. All Elementary students participate in Art, Music, and PE taught by specialist teachers so that students can identify and develop their unique gifts.
We Grow in Character
At KCS, we recognize that God is constantly at work in our hearts, prompting us to mirror His character. Students are given opportunities to encourage each other and to show love to each other within their classroom and throughout the school in their everyday routines. Specific strategies for self-regulating emotions (building peace, patience, and self-control) and conflict resolution (building compassion and forgiveness) are taught throughout all elementary grades.
Daily classroom devotions and weekly chapels help students develop spiritually by recognizing how they are loved by God as His child. Throughout all subject areas, students are invited to identify their role within God’s kingdom as worshippers, artists, creation caretakers, justice seekers, community builders, servant leaders, detectives, and discoverers. As students find their purpose in serving God and others, their hearts are shaped by His Spirit.
We PractiSe Courage
We can only learn through practice and through making mistakes. At KCS, we help students to build perseverance and risk-taking skills as they practice building academic skills and as they practice building personal and social competencies. Students are taught how to self-assess and reflect on their own learning so that they can take ownership of their learning and continue to grow. Students share their learning and their goals with their families at regular times throughout the school year.

Wonder Walks
Grade 4 & 5 Ski Day
Chess club
King of the Court (indoor soccer)
Come Read With Me workshop
Young Author's Conference
Eureka! Science workshops
WILD school event
Extracurricular sports
Track and Field
Christmas program
Grandparents' Tea
Tribute Chapel