A story of Character
For many Christians, character can be defined as who we are because of our relationship with Christ. However, character is not something that is static and unchangeable, but something that can be built and nurtured. Mrs. Chantal White knows this truth well. As the director of Social Butterflies Activities and Learning Ltd., her company's daily job is to help build positive character and behaviours in children. For her own children, she made a choice to enroll them in Kamloops Christian School because she knows firsthand the impact that community can have on children.
“ What changed? I would say her outlook on the world."
Choosing Something Different
Mrs. White has a large family and knows what she wants for her children: a high standard of education and place to be cared for. Because her children have been to other schools, she understands the impact that a school environment can have on a child. Speaking specifically about one of her children, the change from a different school to KCS has been a positive one. "She had been to three different schools in a few years and she really just settled in here. My kids will still go to an event at another school and they walk into the very main entrance of the school and it's almost like the staff are sitting there going 'what are you doing here'? Whereas, here it's always been 'Hello! Good morning!' It's pleasant, it's friendly. It's completely different".
The impact that the change in environment has made on her children has been huge, and not simply because KCS is friendlier. In fact, when asked about specific changes she has seen in her children, her answer was that, for one of her children, everything changed: "What changed? I would say her outlook on the world. When they were at the public school, it was just expected that there would be smoking, drug use, partying. it felt like they were walking into a place where the bar was set here [low]; where all that stuff was just normal. And then to see them here, where all that stuff would be so abnormal... it raises the bar on where they should be morally and what's OK and what's not." The long term impact of joining the KCS community is something that Chantal also appreciates. "My oldest is 22 and graduated from here [KCS], and she moved to Calgary. She is still in touch with some of the teachers here." Chantal attests this connection to the caring attitude that the staff show to the students. In fact, Chantal sees the emotional wellbeing of her children as being vital to their success educationally. "As much as the academics is important, the social and emotional stuff has to be there for the academics to take place".
Chantal's story showcases the impact of a school's climate and culture on a student. Creating a safe, caring, and respecting environment for all students and families who join our community is one of the most important things a school can do, and at KCS it is seen as a fulfillment of a Biblical truth: "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:2-6). Though written over 2,000 years ago, this truth is still relevant today, perhaps even more so in this day and age.
If you want to hear more about what KCS can offer for your family, please contact the school for a one-on-one educational consultation with Mr. Cuzzetto. If you have a story about Curiosity, Character, or Courage, that KCS has already helped foster in your family and are open to sharing that with the rest of our incredible community, please contact Mr. Cuzzetto and book a Coffee with Cuzzetto time (sandroc@kamcs.org)!